We are very excited to announce that our mobile App will have biometric authentication with zero knowledge proof, thanks to the integration of the modern “ZeroFace” technology from ZeroBiometrics. Unlike traditional biometric authentication, this new digital milestone allows users’ faces for facial recognition not to be stored in «templates», providing a high level of security to the entire process that is carried out in a decentralized manner.
Integration of ZeroBiometrics technology
Our mobile App is being developed with the highest security standards, so that users can register their assets and contract Web3 insurance with complete confidence. That is why we are integrating ZeroBiometrics technology, in order to have biometric authentication with zero knowledge proof in our App on all available platforms.
Unlike traditional biometric authentication, this new technology allows the registered faces of the users not to be stored anywhere, avoiding the classic use where the information is compared when the user logs in to see if it matches the database. Unlike that approach, ZeroBiometrics has developed a new technological paradigm that adapts to today’s Web3 applications.
For this, the «zero knowledge proof» is used, giving rise to a facial recognition system called «ZeroFace», which uses cryptographic keys to record the data in a 256-bit «ZeroHash». This acts as access keys called “ZeroKeys”, which are only active when the user is authenticated, eliminating the need for the system to know exactly what the user looks like.
In this way, users will be able to authenticate in our mobile app with their face in a secure and decentralized way!
What advantages will ZeroBiometrics bring to the security of our users?
The new ZeroBiometrics technology is ideal for Web3 applications such as DBD, allowing users to preserve their privacy and data when performing a biometric authentication with their face. Its “ZeroFace” algorithm will never save your appearance in any type of database, therefore there is no storage of personal data. That is why it is impossible for a user’s data to be searched for by malicious actors, because it is not saved.
Due to its approach, we have decided to incorporate this technology into our mobile App, since we are facing a new standard in the protection of information. In this way, our users will be able to operate without the security flaws that traditional systems have, where the user’s image is stored in various templates. This in ZeroBiometrics does not exist.
When someone needs to log in to register their assets, our App will ask them to scan their face, and the next time they need to log in, they will do so using this modern protocol.
With the integration of ZeroBiometrics’ “ZeroFace” technology, our users will maintain session exclusivity, device portability, and account recovery.
About Day By Day
Day By Day is decentralizing and democratizing the global insurance industry. Using emerging technologies, the first insurtech platform of its kind, enables a new era of insurepreneurs to influence investment, while providing on-demand, hyper-personalized insurance products for clients.
Insurepreneurs can mint insurance policies (NFTs) that generate passive income and/or invest in underwriting pools (DeFi) to earn a return on investment.
The InsureFi industry will provide next generation insurance that is private, transparent and accurate. Built on blockchain and using AI, Day By Day removes current insurance process and administrative constraints to give value and security to customers.
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About ZeroBiometrics
We make your face a secure and private way to authenticate your identity, protecting your data.
Modern biometric authentication does not need to know who you are. Only yesterday’s legacy systems need to store face templates, face maps, or personally identifiable information.
Our products are designed from the ground up to preserve privacy and protect data.
“Zero templates, zero knowledge and zero commitments”.
More information: https://zerobiometrics.com/
This article does not contain financial advice or investment recommendations of any kind. The information provided is offered only for educational and didactic purposes regarding Web3 technology and analysis of its use cases.
Investing with cryptocurrencies, NFTs, tokens or other digital assets carry risks and are not regulated, so readers should do their own research before making any type of decision at their own risk, as well as adapt and observe the different legal regulations depending on their country of residence.
Aviso de responsabilidad:
Este artículo no contiene consejos financieros, ni recomendaciones de inversión de ningún tipo. La información brindada se ofrece sólo con fines educativos y didácticos en cuanto a tecnología Web3 y análisis sobre sus casos de uso.
Las inversiones con criptomonedas, NFTs, tokens u otros activos digitales conllevan riesgos y no se encuentran regulados, por lo que los lectores deben realizar su propia investigación antes de tomar cualquier tipo de decisión bajo su entera responsabilidad, así como adaptarse y observar las diferentes regulaciones legales según su país de residencia.